Monday 17 December 2007

Introduction (Thoughts are Things)

How did a man dressed like a tramp with no money and no prospects, pitch up at the office of the greatest inventor in history, and secure himself a fortune?

We are all used to using excuses (alibis as Napoleon Hill calls them) to justify why we havent succeeded:

"If only I had more money..."
"If only I had more time..."
"If only I had superpowers..."

But one can truly see the absurdity of our excuses, when you see how little Edwin C Barnes had when he presented himself in front of Edison to ask for a job.

But it didnt matter, because had more than money or clothes or good references. He had his thoughts. He had a major definite purpose (to work with Edison), and he had a burning desire to make it happen.

Ok, it didnt happen straight away, but it did happen. Knowing what he wanted, and being committed to achieving it no matter what, gave Barnes the advantage over anyone else, and meant that nothing could stand in his way. Its as simple as that.

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