Sunday 2 March 2008


Faith is the head chemist of the mind. I never really understood this statement, but what I do understand, is that if you dont truly believe that you can achieve something, it makes it difficult (not impossible) to achieve it.

Lets take an example:

You are given directions to drive to a house on the other side of the city, that you have never been to before. What are the chances of you doing this, even though you have never been there before? Very high. Why? Because even if you have never been there, you have driven before, and you have used directions to go to places that you have never visited before. So, you have fairly strong belief that you can get there.

But what happened if you didnt believe you could do it. What happened if you thought it was unlikely? What happened if you thought that one wrong turn meant that you were hopeless at following directions and you gave up.

This example feeds into other areas like persistence, and specialised knowledge, but you can see that without the faith to beleive that you are capable of achieving something, it makes everything else much harder

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